UX Design

the Yerli

App and website redesign for a social platform to connect locals with small businesses
May 2021


What is the Yerli?

The Yerli is an app built by college students to highlight and promote local businesses.

What was my role?

I joined the Yerli as UX Design Lead, where I conducted multiple design sprints to completely redesign the

  1. mobile app
  2. web app
  3. website
  4. overall brand


The Yerli's audience and value proposition

The Yerli as an app connects

  • small businesses who want traffic
  • locals who want to engage with local businesses

To bring these two segments together, the app focused on two distinct features

  • A directory of small businesses to help locals find these local small businesses
  • A social feed to get the community conversing and learning about the local small businesses

Great idea, but there were a few roadblocks

Great idea WITHOUT great design

The Yerli was completely built by college students, so naturally resources and experience are limited. This lead to a poorly designed app based on many assumptions, and thus the need for a designer to help clean up the UI and UX of the app.

That's where I came in!

How might we redesign the app and website, and improve the overall UX of the platform


Quick user feedback

I conducted a quick survey to establish the sentiments of existing Yerli users, and to identify potential areas of improvement for the app. Responses ranged from feature Requests to general feedback

Some of the responses

Competitive Analysis

To gather some design inspiration and understand existing patterns in both the social media and the food space, I looked at various social media, food review, and community based apps. Below is a high-level look at some of the resources collected (primarily from uxarchive)

Design Audit

In addition to hearing from users and looking at other apps, I took an in depth look at the existing design of the Yerli's mobile and web app, which served as starting points for the redesign.


Mobile app redesign + new features

I redesigned the mobile app screen by screen in Figma, in addition to creating new views for onboarding, and a whole new feature for projects. Below are some of the key screens

Web app redesign

To match with the new mobile app UI, I refreshed the Yerli's web app as well with new design system and more usable interface. See this in action at theyerli.com/explore

Marketing site

In addition to the mobile and web app redesigns, I also redesigned and rebuilt the Yerli's marketing website. Check out some key screens below or the full site at theyerli.com



I worked closely with the development teams at the Yerli to ensure the mobile and web apps could be implemented easily. I also built the marketing site myself in Webflow.

View the web app

Download the app

Visit marketing website